
Saturday, April 18, 2015

New Word Dictionary

I was fascinated with dictionaries all through my life, even before visiting Lexington.
I recently started inventing many words which are not available currently in the English Language Dictionaries.

Here is a sample.

Please feel free to use them if you find convenient.  This is useful for people who suffered certain kinds of aphasia also.

As I add more words later , this will be a book (you guessed right; smarty pants!)

New Word Dictionary

(usage given in brackets)

Afkword: Feeling awkward after using an “F” word inappropriately
(It was really afkword in my conversation with the teacher) 

Bellygerent: Eating without any concern regarding the waistline.
  (I was bellygerant at the chineese restaurant)

Calluring: Eating high calory diet without any regard
 (Weekends are my days of calluring)

Dewaistated: Having had bariatric surgery
(Did you finally got dewaistated?)

Editrouble: Having lot of mistakes in writing
(You have an editrouble book)

Fraternalist: The person who call everyone ‘Bro’ or ‘Sis’ despite no blood relation
(I don't like her fraternalist boyfriend)

Glatitude : Glad that one’s attitude is right contrary to popular notion, or glad that people show undue gratitude
(your boss has a great glatitude)

Hiastatic: Having elation regarding one’s own social status, or erection or size of an organ
(I was like, hiastatic seeing her)

Idlestic:  Not having to do any job as in vacation
(He took it as an Idlestic opportunity)

Jobial: Always taking about one’s own job
(I am afraid that he could be jobial with me)

Knowouch: The sound you produce when you have a painful memory (‘K’ is silent)
(Was he/she the one dated me before ! (followed by the sound of Knowouch)

Lovial: Pretending to be in love, but not for exploitation.
(I was just lovial with you)

Mantrane: A person always bothered with the need to chant
(Your mother is mantrane)

Nutger: A supervisor or manager with crazy ideas
(Wait till your Nutger comes)

Obstabulate: Create obstacle or warning to prevent things to be done in a timely fashion
(I left a sanitary napkin in the bathroom to obstabulate my husband) 

Puertorean: A repulsive person passing wind in public purposefully to annoy
(My coworker/ team member is a puertorean)

Quotidean:  A person uses hand gestures of quote while talking
(You know what, he is like quotidean)

Remnambulism: Going back to the kitchen to eat left overs in the night
(I can not resist being remnabulistic, Doctor)

Technosage: One uses technology older than oneself
(My husband is a real technosage)

Utilification: Process of making things of beauty useful for human consumption
(My son is good at Utilifing my lipstick)

Vitiligent: One who has the right and (often) critical information
(Him being vitiligent, we did n't have to use the GPS to the club)

Wolfan: Usually  a female  interested in wolverine stories
(She is a typical wolfan)

Xponsibility:  The  need to pay alimony
(He is not worried about his xponsibility)

Yangster: The teenager who dreams of becoming a gang member
(Which yangster among these is yours?)

Zestorem: A fascinating, but weird theory.
(I am relieved that I can only take it as a zestorem)

[to be continued]

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